Distribution to all European countries

Welcome Exporters to the
Mexican Fruit Hub

The Mexican Fruit Hub offers exporters of fruit to the European market a reception centre specialised in the handling of fruit from Mexico. The team of the Mexican Fruit Hub in the Netherlands has many years of experience supporting exporters with logistics, reception, quality control and dispatch to supermarkets and other buyers throughout Europe.


How do we manage this and what are your benefits?


Direct Access

Direct access to all major European supermarket and wholesale chains

Deal Closing

Lead generation, guidance and support in closing deals directly with supermarkets chains and other big clients

Local Sales office

Your own sales offices and sales teams in the main markets of Europe

Higher Margins & Quick Payment

We ask lower margins than importers-distributeurs.Your will receive advancement through factoring.

Sales Experience

Over 25 years experience with sales to large supermarket chains in Europe

Market Control and Local Support

Guidance and support in contacts with purchasing departments, warehouses, ripening facilities, logistics, quality control, etc.

What do we expect in return from the exporters?

A serious commitment and constant high level quality produce

Availability of enough produce to ship out on time and as agreed upon

Products with the necessary certifications for European supermarket groups

An initial administrative start fee, a monthly membership fee and commission based on net sales

Market potential of Mexican fruits in Europe (ton)


0 Avocado
0 Mango
ton Berries
M Lemon


0 Avocado
0 Mango
0 Berries
M Lemon

The Unided Kingdom

0 Avocado
0 Mango
0 Berries
M Lemon

The Netherlands

0 Avocado
0 Mango
0 Berries
M Lemon

Main supermarket chains in Europe

Contact Us

To make an appointment for your meeting, please send us an email.

Get in Touch